František KRIŽAN – Katarína ČULÁKOVÁ – Pavol KITA – Kristína BILKOVÁ – Peter BARLÍK – Petra HENCELOVÁ - Consumers Perceptions on SMS Marketing: Case Study from a Gift Shop in Hlohovec (PERCEPCIE SPOTREBITEĽOV NA SMS MARKETING: PRÍPADOVÁ ŠTÚDIA Z DARČEKOVEJ PREDAJNE V HLOHOVCI)
Abstract: The paper is focused on SMS marketing and consumer perceptions towards SMS advertising. This is a case study of a gift shop in the shopping center Viktoria in Hlohovec city. A promotional SMS was sent to potential consumers (n = 5,229) with a sleeping location in Hlohovec city. Based on this, consumers had an opportunity to get a discount when buying. The questionnaire survey (n = 42) was conducted in aforementioned gift shop and was focused on consumer perceptions. Research shows positive consumers perceptions for received SMS. When evaluating consumers perceptions to received SMS, classified according to their income, it seems that perceptions for lower-income consumers (up to 750 €) are not identical to higher-income consumers (750 € or more). SMS marketing has a positive impact on sales growth and prospective advertising influence on the company marketing development.
Keywords: SMS marketing, consumer perception, shopping center, Hlohovec
JEL Classification: M31, O31
Abstract: Information and communication technologies play an irreplaceable role in the economies of the 21st century and have also had a significant impact on the health sector. As part of the informatisation of society, e-health is not only able to achieve a significantly higher level of healthcare, but also speeds up processes and, last but not least, cuts costs that are particularly important in healthcare organizations. The aim of the paper is to use the analysis to evaluate the state and level of ICT security in Slovak hospitals as the largest providers of health care in the Slovak Republic. The article analyzes the potential and infrastructure of ICT in health conditions as well as security in this area. The second part of the paper deals with the analysis of research in the field of ICT security in Slovak hospitals and evaluates the conclusions of this questionnaire survey.
Keywords: informatization of health care, ehealth, ICT security, hospital, questionnaire survey
JEL Classification: L86, D83, I19
Michaela ČIEFOVÁ - Interkultúrne vzdelávanie ako prostriedok integrácie migrantov (INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AS A TOOL FOR MIGRANTS´ INTEGRATION)
Abstract: The paper aims to point out the significance of intercultural communication and competence in the time of perceived migration and asylum crisis. We argue, familiarization with the principles of intercultural communication may be viewed as a crucial step towards successful migrants´ integration. In the first part of the paper we illuminate the concept of intercultural communication and competence. Next, we discuss the experience of the European Union Member States with intercultural education, frequently understood as certain principles or a cross-cutting theme embedded in the general education process. In some countries, inconsistency between the objectives of education policies and the praxis has been reported. Our research indicates certain deficiency of concrete learning units focusing on intercultural communication and competence development in the European Union countries.
Keywords: migration, integration, intercultural education, intercultural competence, intercultural communication
JEL Classification: F22, I21, Z18
Martin KUCHTA ─ Monika STANKOVÁ - Vnímanie digitálneho marketingu: Umenie alebo veda? (PERCEPTION OF DIGITAL MARKETING: ART OR SCIENCE?)
Abstract: Marketing as a discipline has evolved to a current stage through five eras which cover more than one hundred years. During the years ICT and technologies have rapidly improved and marketing as a very dynamic discipline has successfully adapted most of them at least in some form. While marketing without modern ICT could have been perceived as an art, advanced technologies might shift the perception more to a science. The internet as already a well- established environment for modern marketing strategies offers data collection and procession, which in almost every case triggers marketing strategy decision-making process. The main aim of this article is to identify, whether digital marketers, who are the most affected subject by the rise of advanced technologies, perceive the marketing discipline more as an art or as a science. Quantitative research in form of online interviewing was used as the main research method. The results of the research offers digital marketers’ point of view of the researched issue and suggests, whether modern marketing is more art or science.
Keywords: digital marketing, data collection, creativity
JEL Classification: M15, M31, M37
Martin KARAS - Najnovšie trendy v uzatváraní medzinárodných investičných zmlúv: Čína a Spojené Štáty Americké (LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN INVESTMENT TREATY-MAKING: CASES OF CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES)
Abstract: Are the nation states losing their position as the main actors in the global arena? Are they being supplanted by international institutions, regimes and transnational corporations? This article focuses on these questions within the specific framework of international investment regimes. The goal of this article is to identify the most recent trends in investment treaty-making of China and the US in relation to the conflict between investment protection and state sovereignty. The article compares a sample of treaties from both countries from two different eras and identifies the main changes that have a bearing on the influence of states, investors and international tribunals in the area of foreign investment. The conclusion of the analyses consists of demonstrating conflicting tendencies, where since 1990s, the US has moved slightly towards protection of state sovereignty, while China has moved away from its position of strict sovereignty protection towards a more standard investment protection based on the international consensus.
Keywords: sovereignty, investment protection, state, investment regimes, investment arbitration, USA, China
JEL Classification: K33, F21
Michal BEČKA - The Impact of the Current Global Pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 on Employment in the Slovak Economy (VPLYV SÚČASNEJ GLOBÁLNEJ PANDÉMIE SARS-CoV-2 NA ZAMESTNANOSŤ V EKONOMIKE SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY)
Abstract: In this article, we present a view of the current global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 and its impact on employment in the economy of the Slovak Republic. The primary goal is to present the development of employment and unemployment in the economy in Slovakia for the analysed period of 2018 – April 2020 with emphasis on the current global pandemic. The partial objectives of the paper are: to present the outputs of the elementary characteristics of the time series – employment, to present the outputs – the unemployment rate.
Keywords: Macroeconomic Indicator, Employment, Unemployment, Unemployment Rate, Time Series Analysis, Global Pandemic – SARS-CoV-2
JEL Classification: E24, C22, J21, J64