Zapoj sa do nového projektu CEC – Central Europe Connect a obohať svoje štúdium o nové poznatky.

Spoločný certifikačný program dáva študentom bakalárskeho stupňa štúdia (II. a III. ročník) možnosť študovať na troch rôznych miestach a nadobudnúť tak nové skúsenosti a poznatky v najrýchlejšie rastúcom regióne Európy.

Predstavitelia WU (Ekonomická univerzita vo Viedni), EUBA (Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave), SGH (Varšavská ekonomická škola), spojili svoje sily pri tvorbe nového certifikačného programu „Central Europe Connect“. Účastníci programu sa dozvedia o výzvach, s ktorými sa stretávajú nadnárodné firmy pri podnikaní v stredoeurópskom regióne. Ekonomiky Strednej Európy formujú svojím rýchlym procesom rozvoja, hospodárskym rastom a vitalitou ako aj silným prílevom priamych zahraničných investícií vznik miestnych šampiónov tohto ekonomického regiónu.  

Táto nová študijná platforma spája študentov z troch univerzít a pripravuje ich na kariéru v nadnárodných spoločnostiach pôsobiacich v regióne.


The Partner Universities

Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)

WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) is the largest university focusing on economics and business in Austria. Internationality was already among WU’s key values at WU’s founding in 1898 as an Export Academy. WU emphasizes internationalization in its teaching and research activities. It increasingly draws students from outside Austria, mostly from Central and Eastern Europe. Today it is ranked as one of the best business schools in Europe what is also reflected in the “Triple Accreditation” (AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS).

University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA)

EUBA (Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave) is the leading public higher education institution focusing on business, economics and management in Slovakia. It provides higher education in more than 60 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs for full-time and part-time students. Internationalization and the development of international partnerships with universities, enterprises, and other institutions belong to the priorities of the university. EUBA runs several international double and joint degree programs with partner universities in Europe and Asia.

SGH Warsaw School of Economics

SGH (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie) is the oldest university of economics in Poland. Its mission has continuously been educating economists and business leaders serving the country and the region. SGH cooperates with around 200 higher education institutions around the world and is also a member of prestigious global business school networks such as The Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS) and Partnership in International Management network (PIM).


Short Course Descriptions: 

WU Course: Strategies and Management in Central Europe (4 ECTS Credits)

This course deals with issues multinational firms face today in Central Europe. Frameworks and methods will be presented that help managers in assessing the attractiveness of foreign markets and designing appropriate entry and marketing strategies for Central European markets. Competitive strategies are analyzed from a foreign and domestic company perspective. Attention is also given to the management of Central European activities. A company visit to a firm operating in the CEE region is part of the course.


EUBA Course: Structural Dynamics in Central European Economies (4 ECTS Credits) 

In order to understand all peculiarities of Central Europe region, the macroeconomic overview of its development is needed. Therefore, the first part of the course will pay attention to specifics of Central Europe economic development with implications for the real business environment. The course will cover topics like competitive advantages of Central Europe on the world markets, the impact of automatization on the labour market and others. The second part of the course will focus on the topic of foreign direct investments in this region. Especially, the automotive industry will be analyzed in detail. The course is rounded off by a visit to the automotive production plant in Bratislava. 


SGH Course: Consumer Behavior in Central Europe (4 ECTS Credits)

During the course students get knowledge about basic concepts related to consumer behavior and their importance for marketing research and actions. Students learn how to operationalize basic consumer characteristics (income and demographic) and abstract concepts (country and product-country image, consumer ethnocentrism) and how to apply them into the research project. The course focuses also on designing and conducting a research project related to consumer behavior and interpreting the results in marketing decision-making perspective. The course comprises a visit to a market research company and meeting guest speakers from a worldwide advertising agency.