Husna Leila YUSRAN - Asep HERMAWAN - Iwan EKAWANTO - Consumer Intention and Behaviour Towards the Use of Non-Plastic Shopping Bags in Jakarta: Preliminary Study (Spotrebiteľský zámer a správanie vo vzťahu k používaniu ekologických nákupných tašiek v Jakarte: vstupná štúdia)
Abstract: Purpose – The objective of this study is to investigate the antecedents and consequences of attitude towards the use of non-plastic bags. Design/methodology/approach – We proposed hypotheses to examine relationships of environmental concern, green attitude, green perceived value, social pressure and support of banning the plastic bags on the intention and behaviour to use non-plastic shopping bags. Survey data was collected from 120 consumers of supermarkets in Jakarta. Structural equation modelling was used to test hypotheses. Findings – The attitude followed by social pressure and environmental concern revealed the strongest effect on intention of using non-plastic bags. Consequently, intention to use non-plastic shopping bags had also a strong effect on behaviour of using non-plastic shopping bags. Practical implications – This study will provide information on factors that influence and affect consumer’s behavioural intentions and behaviour to use non-plastic shopping bags. Limitations – Since consumers may have the different characteristics, it is likely that consumers’ attitude and behaviour will be different based on the characteristics. Originality/value – Little research has been done on understanding consumer attitudes and behaviour towards the use of non-plastic bags in Indonesia.
Keywords: Environmental concern, environmental, green attitude, green value, behavioral intentions,using non-plastic shopping bags.
JEL Classification: M31
str./pp. 5 - 18
Ladislav ANDRÁŠIK - On Virtual Complex Network of Economy Created in Stella Critical Discussion of Parallels with Neoclassical Theory of economic growth (O virtuálnej komplexnej sieti ekonomiky vytvorenej softvérom Stella: kritická diskusia v paralelách s neoklasickou teóriou hospodárskeho rastu
Abstract: The orthodox economic science is evolving into contemporary form of mainstream economics based on imaginations that economies are similar entities as mechanical ones (in today’s terms called – systems). However, in objective reality the economy is a complexly evolving social organism building oneself as complex network. Unfortunately, by contrast to mechanical system, the economy as a whole is not directly observable and susceptible to manipulation. Certain intervention into the economy in objective reality frequently is bringing unexpected results, because it is complexly answering social organism not mechanical mathematically processing able entity. There exist thanks to ICT and computational intelligence devices and tools possibilities to directly observe the result of evolution in virtual economy, more or less affected by interventions of its constructor. In this essay we are trying to imitate an economy in objective reality by virtual economy built in software STELLA as not very complex network. However, network approach is a relatively novel subject in economic theorizing, and there are several ─ different ways of understanding them. The main stress in this essay is laid on specific properties of holistic economic network in computer reality, which needs to be understood as common mathematical theory of complex networks, theories of neural networks, percolation theories and it is differing from applied economics of real networks in economies existing in the form of traffic, pipelines, etc.
Keywords: computational economy, complex network/systems, computational experimentations, mainstream economics, ontological/ methodological mistakes.
JEL Classification: B4, C6, C53, C62, C69, C7, C90, D4, D5, D58, D6, D8, G12, L1.
str./pp. 19 - 41
Adriana KRUPOVÁ - Zabezpečovanie kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania v SR – ako ju dosiahnuť? (Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the Slovak Republic - How to Achieve It?)
Abstract: By adopting the new legislation of Act no. 269/2018 Coll. on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, the reform of higher education in Slovakia has taken on a new, real form. While the previous changes in the transformation of higher education were mainly focused on the economic area, the new legislation extends the competences of higher education institutions in the area of organization and management and establishes the principle of primary responsibility of the university for quality. The constant discussions on “what is the quality of higher edu- cation institutions in its essence“ and what are the possibilities of ensu- ring it raise the question of how to apply a quality management system within the scope of the above-mentioned legal norms. Following the definition of quality in higher education, and building on the basis of a systematic study of the implementation of the Bologna Declaration ele- ments, this contribution provides an insight into the essence of quality assurance in higher education. At the same time, it pays attention to the fact that, when applying a quality management system, it is necessary to focus the activities of higher education management consciously on two equal areas, namely content and process. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the quality of education as one of the three functions of a higher education institution, pointing out the need to manage the quality of all university functions, and in particular to inform about the need to implement an internal quality assurance and verification system in terms of two equal areas – content and process (procedural).
Keywords: quality, self-assessment, quality assurance, internal system of quality.
JEL Classification: I20, I28, D78
str./pp. 42 - 55
Erika MAJZLÍKOVÁ - Structural Decomposition Analysis of Changes in Manufacturing Employment in Slovakia (Štruktúrna dekompozícia zmien v zamestnanosti v spracovateľskom priemysle na Slovensku)
Abstract: The paper deals with the structural decomposition of changes in the overall manufacturing employment in Slovakia. In recent years, we have observed a trend of deindustrialisation that is visible considering the direct but also the indirect employment or value added in manufacturing in many economies. Therefore, the aim is to recognize which factors and to what extent contributed to the changes in manufacturing employment growth index between different time periods. Attention will be focused mainly on the development in manufacturing employment in Slovakia from 1995 to 2014. In contrast to some recent studies, we provide a decomposition which truly accounts for the total employment in manufacturing, i.e. direct and indirect. Moreover, we provide our analysis using both current and constant prices.
Keywords: manufacturing, employment, input-output analysis, structural decomposition analysis, industrial policy.
JEL Classification: C67, L60, O14
str./pp. 56 - 69
Martina FEHÉROVÁ - Donating to Others Under Different Limits of Donation (Darovanie iným za rozličných podmienok týkajúcich sa darcovstva)
Abstract: Altruism is a moral principle that results in selfless helping to other people in order to give up resources which will benefit others. But what are the limits of human altruism? Is human altruism affected by the costs of donation? We use laboratory experiment to examine how increasing costs of giving affect willingness to help others. Furthermore,we test whether relations and cooperation in the group affect subject’s altruistic behaviour. The paper demonstrates, that as the cooperation in the group rises, so does the subjects’ willingness to donate. Moreover, the increasing costs of donation have almost no effect on the generosity of the subjects.
Keywords: altruism; experimental economics; costs of donation; limitations of donation; cooperation; in-group relations
JEL Classification: D91, C91, C92
str./pp. 70 - 82
Monika KOCHAJDOVÁ - Geopolitické postavenie Ruska po udalostiach na Ukrajine v roku 2014 (Geopolitical Position of Russia after the Events in Ukraine in 2014)
Abstract: Events in Ukraine in year 2014 significantly contributed to changes in several countries of the world. The subject of the research is to assess the impact of these events on the change of Russia's geopolitical position as their initiator. By comparative analyzing the situation through selected regions and countries, we will get partial conclusions about the regional position of Russia. The result of this research should be a combination of partial conclusions, which lately combined, provide us with a comprehensive picture of the researched problem. The geopolitical position of countries is changing, and that is why this article's task is to record current changes to contribute to hypotheses about their future direction.
Keywords: geopolitical position, Russia, Ukraine, events in year 2014
JEL Classification: N40, F51, F53
str./pp. 83 - 101