On January 7 - 31, 2020, the 1st Winter School for students from the Instituto Tecnológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (TEC Monterrey) was held at the University of Economics in Bratislava. The program was opened and welcomed by Boris MATTOŠ, the vice-rector for international relations.

The University of Economics in Bratislava is offering new language courses for future applicants willing to study in Slovak language. We start in January 2020 with Intensive Language and Academic Preparation for Foreigners in Slovak Language for applicants from Slavic countries and in September 2020 we start 10 month long Language and Academic Preparation for Foreigners in Slovak Language for all interested students.

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The University of Economics in Bratislava in cooperation with the NGO Smile as a Gift organize for the third time the Give Joy and Smile #3 collection, where you can donate sweets, children's books, school supplies, board games or sanitary supplies to children from children's homes and crisis centres.

From 13 to 17 November 2019, EUBA students attended the 5th World International Games in Pula, Croatia. This year's championship was marked by records, with up to 2200 students from 22 countries and 62 universities participating on the event. The games were running in 12 sports disciplined. EUBA students fought in the athletics, basketball, football, table tennis, badminton and swimming.