One of the strategic objectives of the University of Economics in Bratislava is the enhancement of the university position in an international context. The EUBA in its internationalization strategy focuses on a cooperation with foreign universities, which comply with the international standard profile and a complex accreditation system.


International partnerships

Within the framework of bilateral cooperation, the EUBA has a network of 350 partner universities in 65 countries, (51 % Europe, 22 % Asia, 15 % America, 10 % Africa, 2 % Australia).

Excellent results in a long term view achieved by the EUBA in cooperation with foreign universities involved in Erasmus+ programme. The University has signed 309 bilateral agreements in the context of the programme mentioned above, with universities in 38 countries of Europe and the world.

The EUBA also actively participates in cooperative networks in Bratislava, CEEPUS, the Fulbright Commission, the DAAD and the associations for double diplomas HERMES (Higher Education and Research in the Management of European Universities) and (CIDD Consortium International Double Degrees).


External mobility and internships

EUBA in a long term perspective belongs to those Slovak universities with the largest proportion of international students and staff on an exchange basis. EUBA was ranked among the TOP 500 European institutions of higher education by the European Commission, which sent out and accepted most of the students within the Erasmus+ programme (at the 156th place). EUBA was also involved in the Erasmus Success Stories of the Directorate General for Education and culture of the European Commission, and has been awarded the quality of Erasmus mobility granted by the National Agency for Erasmus+, for education and training (SAAIC).

The number of exchange students coming from abroad: 500

The most exchange students come from France, Spain and Mexico.

The number of students sent for mobility exchange and internship: 400

Most students are sent to Germany, France and Spain.


International winter and summer schools

In cooperation with renowned partner universities abroad EUBA provides numerous winter and summer schools with an objective to deepen specialized skills and knowledge and to gain international and intercultural experience:

  • International Business Consulting Program in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, USA;
  • Doing Business/Doing Marketing in Central Europe, in cooperation with the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico;
  • Role of the Foreign Direct Investment in Slovakia in cooperation with the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria;
  • Winter Session on International Strategic Management in partnership with ESC Rennes School of Business, France.


International organizations

EUBA is a member of several major international organizations, cooperation networks and initiatives which are active in the sector of higher education:

  • AACSB-the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business – Business Education Alliance Member;
  • AmCham-American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia;
  • AUF – Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie;
  • The CCFS, the Chambre de Commerce Franco-Slovaque;
  • EDAMBA – European Doctoral Association for Master and Business Administration;
  • EFMD – European Foundation for Management Development;
  • ERSA-European Regional Science Association;
  • EUA-European University Association;
  • Magna Charter Universitatum – signatory since 2007;
  • SUERF – the Société Universitaire Européenne de Recherches Financières/European Money and Finance Forum.