An integral part of the university's research activities is support for the presentation of research results in various forms. One element is the support of scientific and technical periodicals at the University and its various faculties.
There is a longe history of publishing a scientific journal: the university-wide Ekonomické rozhľady / Economic Review, since 1968. The editorial board of the magazine is composed of major scientific personalities from Slovakia and abroad.
The University has a long tradition of issuing faculty and scientific journals that are published in printed or electronic form. Scientific journals of individual faculties of the University of Economics in Bratislava publish the theoretical and practical knowledge’ the output of basic and applied economic research and practice, forming the thematic focus of the magazine. The aim and ambition of the editors of several scientific journals, published in Economics in Bratislava’ is to become part of the citation, bibliographic and full-text database expertise.
Index of all scientific and technical periodicals published by the University of Economics in Bratislava, presented in alphabetical order:
Index of all scientific and technical periodicals published by the University of Economics in Bratislava, presented in alphabetical order:
Acta oeconomica Cassoviensia
scientific journal
- Publisher: Podnikovohospodárska fakulta so sídlom v Košiciach
- Periodicity: twice yearly
- Scope: The scope of the journal covers the wide range of research problems of business economics, management, marketing and finance, the knowledge economy, innovation policy, etc. The journal contains empirically (experimentally) founded studies, survey studies, contributions to “Discussion” (personal views and attitudes on controversial issues in economics as science, as a professional practice, etc.) and reviews.
- Published from 1.1.2008
- Language: english
- ISSN 1337-6020
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of International Relations
- Periodicity: quarterly
- Scope: Economic, political and security aspects of international relations.
- Published from 1.7.2006
- Language: Slovak
- ISSN 1339-3502
Ekonomické rozhľady
scientific journal
- Publisher: The University of Economics in Bratislava
- Periodicity: quarterly
- Published from 1968, 1990 to 1994 excepted
- Scope: The journal publishes papers, contributions to discussion, surveys, consultations, book reviews, and information on the issues of theoretical economic disciplines, applied economic research, and economic practice, with special emphasis on the problems of transition economies.
- Language: Slovak, English
- ISSN 1339-3502
Ekonomika a informatika
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Business Informatics
- Periodicity: two times a year
- Published from 2003
- Scope: Theoretical and application knowledge in economic research and economic practice in the areas of computer science, accounting and auditing, econometrics and operations research, applied statistics and actuary with emphasis on issues of harmonization, integration and compatibility with the European and global methodology and practice.
- Language: Slovak, Czech, English
- ISSN 1336-3514
Ekonomika a manažment
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Business Management
- Periodicity: three times a year
- Published from 2003
- Scope: Economics, management, financial management, personnel management, production management and logistics, information management.
- Language: Slovak
- ISSN 1336-3301
Ekonomika cestovného ruchu a podnikanie
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Commerce
- Periodicity: quarterly
- Published from 1. 10. 2008.
- Scope: Theoretical, methodological and practical issues of the economy in general and in tourism. Entrepreneurship - the theoretical, methodological and practical issues in general, with most focusing on the business of tourism.
- Language: Slovak
- ISSN: 1337-9313
Finančné trhy
- Publisher: Derivat s.r.o., cooperation with Department of Banking and International Finance Faculty of National Economy at the University of Economics in Bratislava
- Periodicity: monthly
- Published from 2004
- Scope: Financial market, banking, monetary policy, international finance.
- Language: Slovak, Czech
- ISSN 1336-5711
Journal of Innovations and Applied Statistics
online scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Business Economy with seat in Košice
- Periodicity: annual
- Scope: For readers from among statisticians, applied statistics, theoretical innovators, managers of innovation, design engineers, designers, technologists but also in all production, but also non-manufacturing sectors. Source of information on the latest scientific knowledge, new ideas, methods and procedures applicable to innovation in the broadest sense.
- Published from 2011
- Language: Slovak
- ISSN 1338-5224
scientific journal
- Publisher: Publishing House EKONÓM, Bratislava
- Periodicity: twice yearly
- Published from 2012
- Scope: Research of languages and intercultural communication
- Language: Slovak, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian
- ISSN: 1338-6743
Management Information Systems
international scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Business Informatic cooperation with The Faculty of Economics at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Periodicity: twice yearly
- Published from 2005
- Scope: The Journal has an international reputation and it enables authors to present their researches relating to advancing and improving the practice, as well as understanding information systems of the organization. The Journal accepts theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions, i.e. the works that significantly contribute the thematic fields of the Journal, i.e. management information systems. It will provide enough space for original empirical and developmental researches.
- Language: English
- ISSN 1452-774X
Manažment v teórii a praxi
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Business Economy with seat in Košice
- Periodicity: quarterly
- Published from 2005
- Scope: Business management, management of public organizations, strategic business management, personnel management, manufacturing process management, change management, quality management, organizational culture, knowledge management, training, information management, information systems and technology management.
- Language: Slovak
- ISSN 1336-7137
Medzinárodné vzťahy
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of International Relations
- Periodicity: four times a year
- Published from 2002
- Scope: Interdisciplinary - economic, political, legal and cultural aspects of international relations, with the majority of contributions from international economic relations.
- Language: Slovak, English
- ISSN 1336-1562 (print version)
- ISSN 1339-2751 (e-version)
Nová ekonomika (časopis ukončil vydávanie v roku 2015)
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of National Economy, (by year 2007 Faculty of Commerce)
- Periodicity: quarterly
- Published from: 2002
- Scope: Articles published in the journal provide analytical studies in the area of economic theory, national policy, finance, banking, social development, insurance, public administration, regional development and many others. Attention is also paid to current problems of transitive economies, integration processes in Europe and problems of global economy in conditions of globalisation and formation of new knowledge based economy at the beginning of the new millennium. At the same time, it brings information about new economic literature and international scientific life.
- Language: Slovak, Czech, English
- ISSN 1336-1732
Podniková revue
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Business Economy with seat in Košice
- Periodicity: two times a year
- Scope: Economic theory, management, marketing, finance and their application in business practice.
- Published from 2002
- Language: Slovak
- ISSN 1335-9746
Region Direct
international scientific journal
- Publisher: Regional European Information Centre in Banská Bystrica(Regionálne európske informačné centrum v Banskej Bystrici)
- Periodicity: two times a year
- Published from: 2008
- Scope: Regional development in the context of European development policies.
- Language: Slovak, Czech, English
- ISSN 1337-8473
Revue sociálno-ekonomického rozvoja
scientific e-journal
- Publisher: Department of Social Development and Labor, Faculty of National Economy, University of Economics in Bratislava
- Periodicity: two times a year
- Scope: theoretical and practical issues of socio-economic development, current trends and perspectives of socio-economic development in EU countries and in the world
- Language: Slovak, Czech, English, German
Studia commercialia Bratislavensia
scientific journal
- Publisher: Faculty of Commerce
- Periodicity: quarterly
- Published from 2008
- Scope: Studia commercialia Bratislavensia is peer-reviewed journal. It is intended to publish research papers, contributions to discussion and analytical studies on the issues of economy of trade, industry and services, world economy and international economical relations. It also interests in theoretical questions of marketing and business management, management of international business and the management of services. It brings the profiles of distinguished scientific workers, book reviews, abstracts of doctoral thesis and information from scientific actions.
- Language: Slovak, English
- ISSN 1337-7493