On May 16, 2018, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovenia to Slovakia, H.E. Mr. Gregor Kozovinc, visited on his own request the UEBA’s Rector, prof. Ferdinand Daňo. The subject of the meeting was academic cooperation with Slovenian universities. Mr. Boris Mattoš, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, informed the guest on the UEBA’s international cooperation.

On April 24, 2018, the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Slovakia, H.E. Mr. Nearchos Palas visited the University of Economics in Bratislava. In the final lecture of the 23rdedition of the course Diplomacy in Practice, he focused on current challenges in the European Union as well as the aspects determining the situation in the Mediterranean: the situation in Syria, migration, terrorism and energy politics. 

Dnešná moderná doba spolu s technickou revolúciou prináša so sebou úplne iný spôsob života ako to bolo v minulosti. Nové informácie napredujú neuveriteľným tempom a vďaka internetu a počítačovým technológiám sa k nám dostávajú veľmi rýchlo. Čo platilo včera, nemusí platiť dnes. Ubudlo manuálnej práce, životné tempo ľudí sa zrýchľuje.

On the occasion of the 5th IBSM conference "Business Management and Accounting", co-organized by the Faculty of Commerce in Bratislava in cooperation with the Hanoi University of Industry, Trisakti University, Jakarta and the University of Social Sciences in Warszaw, the Rector of the University of Economics in Bratislava, Mr. Ferdinand Daňo, and members of the scientific and organizational committee of the conference, Mr. Peter Drábik and Ms. Paulína Krnáčová, visited from April 17 to 22 2018, the capital of Vietnam – Hanoi. On this occasion, they had several important meetings.