On 17 – 19 June 2019, the annual meeting of the International Double Diploma Consortium (CIDD) took place at the University of Economics in Bratislava. In his opening speech, EUBA’s rector, Mr Ferdinand Daňo, highlighted the importance of the consortium and the activities of the University in the field of double degree programmes. The international cooperation of the University of Economics in Bratislava was presented to the delegation by Mr Boris Mattoš, vice-rector for international relations.

On 14 June 2019, more than 20 secondary school students from Ukraine visited the University of Economics in Bratislava. Each of the students is the winner of one or several subject Olympics, many of them are members of the Youth Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. During the week, students visited several universities in Slovakia, where they got acquainted with the system of higher education in the country. The subject of the visit to the University of Economics in Bratislava was a presentation of the university, discussion with university representatives on the possibilities of study and a tour of the university campus. On behalf of the rector, the guests were welcomed by Mr Boris Mattoš, vice-rector for international relations.

Alexandru Minea, a respected European economist, visited the University of Economics in Bratislava with a goal in passing on his knowledge of fiscal and monetary policy to students of the Faculty of National Economics at the University of Economics in Bratislava. Students will attend to the end of the summer semester.

On 7 and 8 June 2019, 17 representatives of the University of Economics in Bratislava took part in a volunteer event organized as part of the 13th year of the project Our City – The Days of Volunteering organized by the Pontis Foundation. An attractive event not only fulfilled its primary mission to help revitalize the environment in Petržalka, but it also played an important role in terms of education and training, as it represented a model for participating pupils, kindergartners and their parents, teachers, school management, and, additionally, personified its dissemination role in society as it was carried out in the vicinity of the University of Economics in Bratislava. Both days, the volunteer activities took place in Petržalka's exteriors, in areas full of greenery and high concentration of inhabitants great diversity.

A group of students of the University of the Third Age (UTA) of the University of Economics in Bratislava, has recently participated in a study trip to China, which included the World Conference and World Congress on Senior Travel in Chinese Cities Wuhan and Yantai, organized by UTV AIUTA. in collaboration with Chinese organization of universities of the third age of Shandong province.