Ronald Coase Institute, named in honour of the Nobel Prize winner for economics and the protagonist of the new institutional economy, was founded in 2000 in the US to better understand formal and informal institutions—laws, rules and standards—that drive the economy and affect transaction costs. Their thorough analysis helps to increase economic efficiency and overall well-being. Several members of the Nobel Prize (in addition to Ronald Coase, Douglass North, Ken Arrow, Elinor Ostrom and currently Roger Myerson) and leading global economists and protagonists of institutional economics have served in the Institute’s Board of Directors.

On 16 May 2019, rector of the University of Economics in Bratislava, Prof Ferdinand Daňo, welcomed the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia to Slovakia, H.E. Ms Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady. The Ambassador was accompanied by Ms Lely Meiliani, Counselor of the Indonesian Embassy for Economic and Cultural Affairs.

As a result of successful negotiations of the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) with the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) on 14 May 2019, during their visit at the partner institution, the EUBA’s rector, Mr Ferdinand Daňo and the dean of the EUBA’s Faculty of Commerce, Mr Peter Drábik signed together with the rector of VŠE, Ms Hana Machková and the dean of the Faculty of Business Administration of VŠE an “Agreement on Provision of a Double Degree Programme”. This is the first double degree programme at the EUBA’s Faculty of Commerce.

Student of the Department of Statistics of the Faculty of Economic Informatics of the University of Economics in Bratislava, Romana Šipoldová, BSc made it into Top 10 students from all over the world in the SAS Student Ambassadors category and actively participated in the largest analytical event of SAS Global Forum 2019 in Dallas, Texas.

On 9 May 2019, a delegation from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SIUBE) led by the dean of International Business School (IBS), Mr Jianzhong Huanga visited the University of Economics in Bratislava. The meeting was attended by Ms Quan Jin, vice-dean for international cooperation, Mr Yuhong Shang, director of the Centre for Central and Eastern Europe and Ms Chunchli Che, coordinator of cooperation with EUBA. The University of Economics in Bratislava was represented by Mr Boris Mattoš, vice-rector for international relations, Mr Peter Drábik, dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Ms Paulína Krnáčová, vice-dean for international and public relations of the Faculty of Commerce, and Mr Jozef Orgonáš, vice-dean for development and quality assurance of the same faculty.