On Wednesday, 2 October 2019, the IBM Rest Zone in the V1 Building was opened on a tape cutting ceremony in the presence of the university management, IBM representatives, and students.

On 1 October 2019 Mr John von Kaufmann, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of Canada in Slovakia visited the University of Economics in Bratislava to give a lecture at the Diplomacy inn Practice Lecture Series. Boris Mattoš, vice-rector for international relations of the EUBA, welcomed the guest at the University. The subject of the meeting was the cooperation between EUBA and universities in Canada.

In the winter term 2019/2020, nearly two hundred students from 25 countries around the world chose the University of Economics in Bratislava as their new alma mater, students from France, Spain and Germany having the largest representation. In addition to European countries EUBA also hosts students from Bhutan, Kazakhstan and Japan.

On 24 September 2019, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Slovak Republic H. E. Mr Jun Shimmi launched the 26th edition of the two-semester lecture series Diplomacy in Practice. The main theme of the winter semester is the economic and multilateral diplomacy of the Asia-Pacific States. In his presentation, Ambassador Shimmi pointed out the constant changes that society has to face in the 21st century, with a particular focus on population growth, the challenges of developed countries and the challenges of the future in the international arena. In the discussion, he answered several questions from students who were interested in the problems of the aging population and the next year's Olympic Games.