Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave v spolupráci so združením Edukácia@Internet a Slovenskou esperantskou federáciou organizuje prvý medzinárodný jazykový festival na Slovensku pod názvom „LingvaFest’ 2018“, ktorý sa bude konať už koncom septembra v Bratislave! V dňoch 28. a 29.9. v čase od 9:00 do 18:00 sa na EU v Bratislave budú jazyky skloňovať vo všetkých pádoch a to nie len po slovensky.

The team of students of Banking studying at the UEBA’s Faculty of National Economy led by Assoc. Prof. Jana Kotlebová, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Peter Árendáš, PhD. and Ing. M. Širaňová, MA, PhD. from the Department of Banking and International Finance tested their skills again at the international competition Rotman European Trading Competition (RETC 2018), now in Rome taking place between August 23 and 25, 2018.

Every year, the UEBA nominates students not only for Erasmus+ exchange programmes but also for Erasmus+ internships. This enables them to link their theoretical knowledge with practical skills, to enhance their language competencies and to get an invaluable international work experience. All of this gives the students a competitive advantage on the labour market after graduation.