The OpenmusE project, which is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme, represents a major collaboration between the University of Economics in Bratislava and 14 other business and academic partners from across Europe. Launched in 2023, this ambitious project has made significant progress towards its goals and reached a very important milestone.

On 21 June 2024, the OpenMusE review meeting took place at the University of Economics in Bratislava with the participation of the European Commission representative Melpomeni Vyzika and two evaluators Carola Boehm (Staffordshire University) and Nanette Nielsen (University of Oslo). The distinguished guests and research partners were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Business Management -  Prof. Anita Romanová, PhD. During the meeting 7 work packages were evaluated. The project passed the evaluation successfully.

The OpenmusE project continues to fulfil its mission and brings significant innovations to the musical and cultural environment of Europe.

Successful review meeting of the OpenmusE project with the participation of the European Commission

Successful review meeting of the OpenmusE project with the participation of the European Commission

Successful review meeting of the OpenmusE project with the participation of the European Commission

Successful review meeting of the OpenmusE project with the participation of the European Commission